
BirdDog Cam Control | Free BirdDog Camera Control App - v3


Cam Control

Free BirdDog Camera Control App - v3

Product Code: CAMCONTROL

Suggested Retail Price €FREE Download+VAT

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  • Free BirdDog Camera Control App
  • Total Camera Control
  • Auto Tracking. Facial and Body Recognition
  • Colour match in seconds
  • Save and Recall Presets
  • Mix & Match. Automatic Camera Detection
  • Touch Friendly. Super Responsive

Total Camera Control

The free Cam Control app is the easiest and most user-friendly way to dial in BirdDog cameras. Simply load on a Windows 10 machine on the same network as your BirdDog cameras and access all functions of the camera through a beautiful interface. Auto Tracking is built right in, with adjustable parameters to track via facial or body recognition.

Requires latest camera firmware.

Auto Tracking. Facial and Body Recognition

Cam Control features fully automated tracking with adjustable parameters to dial in the sensitivity of how you wish to track your talent. You can set to track via facial or body recognition which gives maximum flexibility depending on the environment. Auto tracking is perfect for Broadcast studios, Lecturer and Teacher applications, House of Worship, or any time on-air talent is moving around.

Colour match in seconds

All BirdDog cameras feature a complete Colour Matrix offering an incredible set of tools for dialing in the look you want. With Cam Control you can match cameras quickly, easily, and all from within a single interface.

Four cameras. Multiple instances

Inside Cam Control you can load up to four cameras. Need more than four? No worries, Cam Control supports multiple instances so you can load as many Cam Control windows as your computer can handle.

All Areas Access

Along with the incredible access to Auto Tracking features and Colour Matrix tools found in all cameras, Cam Control also gives control over all settings found in each camera.

Save and Recall Presets

As if Cam Control wasn’t already the fastest and easiest to use camera shading tool on the planet, you can also save and recall camera presets. Use Preset 1 to save your favourite camera settings and when you fire up your cameras on your next job, Cam Control will already be set. No all you need to do is work out what you are going to do with all that time you just saved. We strongly suggest cat videos on YouTube.

Mix & Match. Automatic Camera Detection

Load any mix of BirdDog camera models side by side within Cam Control and the automatic camera detection will display all the adjustment settings available for that camera.

Touch Friendly. Super Responsive

Cam Control works perfectly on touch screen devices such as Microsoft Surface and is super responsive to changes in the settings.

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